NEW MuppetsHenson Poll now up! NOW STREAMING on the AppleTV+ - Season 2 of "Fraggle Rock: Back To The Rock". How would you rate the second season? PLUS - Did you enjoy this season more than the first? (2 Votes allowed for this Poll - one for first question and one for final YES or N0 question.) Thanks for your participation.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

MuppetsHenson Poll Question - 'The Muppets 2' release time.

'The Muppets 2' (working title), begins filming in late January, 2013 in England.

"The Muppets" began production in September, 2010 and went until February, 2011, which included some re-shoots during the last few weeks.

The film was originally set to be released on Christmas Day 2011, but this was changed and it was released as we know on November 23, 2011.

Many reports/interviews have said that Disney wanted a Christmas 2013 release for 'The Muppets 2". So far, it has not been listed as one of the films Disney is 'officially' releasing in 2013. However, many sources have a December 20th, 2013 release date attached to it. This has yet to be confirmed by Disney.

So, the NEW Poll Question for this week deals with when you would like to see 'The Muppets 2' released. Figuring the shoot will go to about April, 2013, are you alright with a possible 'rush' to have it for next Christmas? Or would you like to see them take a little more time and release it in the slower winter months of January/February, Spring (Spring/March Break) or in the highly competitive Summer of 2014? Please let us all know what you think. Thanks!


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