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Sunday, October 28, 2018

'Labyrinth' Sequel Has A Script & Is Moving Forward, Says Director

Director Fede Alvarez says the 'Labyrinth' sequel has a script and is still moving forward. 

Alvarez is currently making the rounds promoting his new film, 'The Girl in the Spider's Web'. According to Fede, it's a project that he and Lisa Henson, discussed very recently:

“I was actually having lunch yesterday with Lisa Henson and we reconnected with that project. We're very excited about it. It is basically a direct continuation of the first movie many years later, and I can't tell you much more about it... but we have a script, and we're very excited about it so we'll see where that goes. Like always, it takes time and effort to put those movies together because they're larger than life. But that's one of the projects that I'm very excited about.”

Lisa Henson is the current Jim Henson Company CEO and has been making a concerted push to revive her father's 1980s fantasy properties of late, between her efforts on the 'Labyrinth' sequel and Netflix's prequel series 'The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance'. With the latter project already well on its way to premiering in 2019, it sounds like the 'Labyrinth' followup is the next priority that Henson intends to get fully off the ground and running within the next year or so. That works out well for Alvarez schedule-wise, seeing as he isn't committed to direct any other movies at the moment.

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