NEW MuppetsHenson Poll now up! NOW STREAMING on the AppleTV+ - Season 2 of "Fraggle Rock: Back To The Rock". How would you rate the second season? PLUS - Did you enjoy this season more than the first? (2 Votes allowed for this Poll - one for first question and one for final YES or N0 question.) Thanks for your participation.


Friday, May 08, 2015

MuppetsHenson Poll FINAL Results and NEW Poll - Which Day Should ABC Air "The Muppets" This Fall?

It was announced this past Thursday night that the Muppets new TV series, "The Muppets", has been added to ABC's new 2015-2016 Fall TV Schedule. On May 12th ABC will release their full line-up of new and returning series and when each of them will air.  

This week's MuppetsHenson Poll asks the question - Which day do you think ABC should air "The Muppets"?  

Which day do you think will give "The Muppets" their best audience and in today's tough landscape of Network Television, their best chance of survival. Please let us know what you think.

You can find our Poll in the right sidebar.

Here are the FINAL Results to last month's Poll:

The following is the premise of ABC's upcoming NEW Muppets TV series:

Subverting the expectations of reality TV, this mockumentary looks at the day to day lives of the Muppets and the mayhem that ensues as they try to get a new network series up and running. Mixing the Muppets’ signature brand of nonsense with the hilarity of shows like "The Comeback" and "Curb Your Enthusiasm", this series finally answers the question, “What happens when the Muppets go home?”

llll Do you like the premise of this new Muppets TV series or would you have liked to have seen something else? 
I LIKE this premise 70% (43)
I DO NOT LIKE this premise 3% (2)
I Have MIXED FEELINGS about this premise 26% (16)
Total votes: 61

Please CLICK HERE to discuss this and more in our
NEW MuppetsHenson Forum

VIDEO: Pepe Takes Charge at YouTube Space L.A.

Pepe takes charge of the controls at YouTube!

Please CLICK HERE to discuss this and more in our
NEW MuppetsHenson Forum

ABC's "The Muppets" has a NEW Facebook Page

Muppet fans, if you have not done so already, it is time for you to LIKE ABC's "The Muppets" NEW Facebook Page  CLICK HERE to do so!

Bill Barretta's Facebook Thank You Messages

Bill Barretta has written a couple beautiful messages of thanks on his Facebook page in regards to ABC's "The Muppets". A really classy move!

This is what he wrote:   

Well, it's been a long road coming, but we finally got here. And we couldn't have done it without the ceaseless hearts & souls of the Muppet Performers (Dave Goelz, Steve Whitmire, Eric Jacobson, David Rudman, Matt Vogel and Peter Linz), the undying, devoted efforts of Debbie McClellan, Kyle Laughlin and the Muppet Studios team, the insightful and hysterically clever Bill Prady, the passionate and driven Bob Kushell, the artistic style and vision of Randall Einhorn, the heartfelt efficiency and coordination of Kris Eber, the enthusiastic and extremely supportive ABC studios and Network, the look and feel of Craig Keif and the incredible crew, the tireless love and care of the Muppet Workshop, our friends and celebrities who helped out just because they love the Muppets, all of our families and finally my brilliant, beautiful love Cristina, who held my hand and heart the whole way...thank you. So as the great Jackie Gleason would say..."And awaaaay we goooooooo!!!!" Look out folks, you ain't seen nothin' yet! 

I also want to thank all the talented puppeteers that put their artistry into the Muppets for our pilot presentation. You guys are so appreciated...thank you again....Einhorn!!!

-Bill Barretta

ABC's "The Muppets" has a NEW Twitter Page

Muppet fans, if you have not done so already, it is time for you to FOLLOW ABC's "The Muppets" NEW Twitter Page - @TheMuppetsABC

NEW Photos from ABC's "The Muppets"

Here are some NEW 'official' photos from ABC's "The Muppets" from the Muppets’ Facebook and Twitter pages. 

Please CLICK HERE to discuss this and more in our
NEW MuppetsHenson Forum