NEW MuppetsHenson Poll now up! NOW STREAMING on the AppleTV+ - Season 2 of "Fraggle Rock: Back To The Rock". How would you rate the second season? PLUS - Did you enjoy this season more than the first? (2 Votes allowed for this Poll - one for first question and one for final YES or N0 question.) Thanks for your participation.


Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Please Support Toby Froud's ("Labyrinth") Kickstarter Campaign: Lessons Learned: A Practical Puppet Short Film

Toby Froud (Toby of Jim Henson's "Labyrinth") has started a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of reaching his goal of $25,000 by August 1, 2013 for his film "Lessons Learned".

"Lessons Learned" will be a short film about a young boy who receives an intriguing birthday gift from his grandfather.  It is a gift that will stay with him for the rest of his life.
Toby said,"having grown up with inspiring movies like "The Dark Crystal" and "Labyrinth", it has been been a dream of mine to create such imagery with hand/cable controlled puppets. This film will also utilize a bit of modern technology to better immerse viewers into the world".

Toby needs your help to make this movie come to life. If you are a fan of the Henson-Froud collaborations or perhaps just want to make a statement that puppet art is alive and desired, please consider a generous donation at one of the many pledge levels to help him reach his goal.
Heather Henson is the executive producer for "Lessons Learned". 

"Lessons Learned" will be part of the Handmade Puppet Dreams series by IBEX Puppetry. 

Toby's intention for "Lessons Learned" is to bring Froudian characters to life on screen with physical puppets, practical effects and very real props and sets.

Currently, he is building an amazing team of artists and performers that share the same passion for puppetry. 

Your support will help him bring this vision to the screen by covering equipment costs, space rental, paying incredible artists to do what they do best, and affording the best post production and sound design to further immerse you in this fantastical world.

So far he has 171 Backers. $9,593 has been pledged.
There are 29 Days to Go.

MuppetsHenson will keep a tally of the campaign's progress. Look for it in the right sidebar! 

CLICK HERE to Visit the KickStarter "Lessons Learned" Page

Message from Toby:


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