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Saturday, November 15, 2014

CBR's Interview with Matthew Dow Smith, Writer of "Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Witches" #3


Dealing with the witches of legend can be tricky business. Some want to con you out of something, others look to test your moral integrity, and nearly all of them are looking to cause you trouble. And then there are the ones in Matthew Dow Smith's "Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Witches" #3; they want something very different: Stories. Lots and lots of stories. And it's the question of who they want the tales from and at what cost that drives Smith's tale.

Like the creators of the previous installments in Archaia's Henson-inspired "Witches" anthology series, Smith looked around the world for inspiration, eventually landing on an Irish myth as the jumping off point for his tale about a storyteller landing on an island run by witches who are actually glad to see him. Through these existing elements, Smith looks at the importance of stories in both the real world and the one in his comic.

The issue marks Smith's first work for Archaia, having most recently penciled books like IDW's "Doctor Who," "Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time" and "The X-Files: Season 10." In speaking with Smith about his contribution to the series, we spoke about his story's focus on stories, the continuing legacy of Jim Henson and how he got involved with the series.

CLICK HERE to read full interview

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