NEW MuppetsHenson Poll now up! NOW STREAMING on the AppleTV+ - Season 2 of "Fraggle Rock: Back To The Rock". How would you rate the second season? PLUS - Did you enjoy this season more than the first? (2 Votes allowed for this Poll - one for first question and one for final YES or N0 question.) Thanks for your participation.


Monday, April 20, 2015

MuppetsHenson hits HALF A MILLION Visits!

I want to extend a sincere THANK YOU to all the loyal supporters of MuppetsHenson.

TODAY MuppetsHenson has reached the HALF A MILLION visit mark. INCREDIBLE! I never thought when I started MuppetsHenson two years ago that it would grow so big and become a real favourite to all the Muppet and Jim Henson fans worldwide!

I really enjoy running the daily operations of MuppetsHenson and I am so happy that so many of you continue to come back each day (some of you MANY times a day) to check out the latest news and happenings in the 'Muppet & Henson World'.

We have more NEW things coming later this year. I am so happy you are enjoying the NEW Ad-Free MuppetsHenson Forum. Please continue to participate there with all the other wonderful MuppetHenson followers.

Lastley, I have had many offers from people/companies offering $$ for advertising on MuppetsHenson, but, as I have explained to them, extra $$$ is not why I do what I do. I do it for the LOVE of The Muppets and especially for Jim Henson. So, MuppetsHenson will and will always be an ad free site for all of you to enjoy!

Thanks again for all your support and for the kind emails you have sent.

Now, looking forward to reaching that 1 MILLION visit mark!

Brian Knatchbull

Please CLICK HERE to discuss this and more in our NEW MuppetsHenson Forum

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