CLICK HERE to visit The Muppet Cast website to listen to Show #248 – May 3rd, 2015.
The Muppet Cast NYC Wing reports in this week, with a new audio experience to share from the Big City. The Jim Henson Legacy recently presented a screening event titled “Sell, Sell, Sell: The Commercials of Jim Henson” The event included commercials and industrial films created by Jim in the 1950s and 1960s, and Jarrid Crespo was there to capture all of it for you.
The Great Muppet Haiku Contest Part I continues this week, and several haikus are read on the show. Have you written yours yet? Remember to include the hashtag #muppethaiku and post it for all the world to see! Win yourself a Muppet T-shirt from Studio One (aka “The Muppet Store”) at Disney’s Hollywood Studios!
- Steve
CLICK HERE to visit The Muppet Cast website to listen to Show #249 – May 10th, 2015.
It’s Kermit the Frog's 60th birthday, and we’re celebrating with MuppetCast listeners and their Muppet haikus. Hey, Jim always said, take what ya got and fly with it! The first winner in the Great Muppet Haiku Contest is named, and the second contest also starts today, with this episode!
- Steve
CLICK HERE to visit The Muppet Cast website to listen to Show #250 – May 17th, 2015.
The MuppetCast celebrates its 250th episode – and observes 25 years since Jim Henson’s passing – in style this week with a huge new Muppet List segment! Jon Soble (The MuppetCast news man) joins me for an in-depth discussion of Muppet songs from the movies.
- Steve
You can also listen to it NOW on the MuppetsHenson Radio Network. LINK found at the top of our RIGHT SIDEBAR or by CLICKING HERE.
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