MuppetsHenson Poll ENDING SOON! STREAMING on the AppleTV+ - Season 2 of "Fraggle Rock: Back To The Rock". How would you rate the second season? PLUS - Did you enjoy this season more than the first? (2 Votes allowed for this Poll - one for first question and one for final YES or N0 question.) Thanks for your participation.


Monday, September 21, 2015

ABC Schedules Repeat Airings of "The Muppets" First Two Episodes

As previously reported, ABC is going to be 'double running' "The Muppets" during 'Premiere Week'. 

"The Muppets" first episode, "Pig Girls Don't Cry", will premiere tomorrow, Tuesday, September 22nd on ABC. It is then scheduled to air again on Friday September 25th at 8:30pm ET, after the premiere of "Last Man Standing".

Episode #2, "Hostile Takeover", will premiere on Tuesday, September 29th and then on the following Sunday, October 4th, ABC will air Episodes #1 and 2 back-to-back beginning at 7:00pm ET. 

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