MuppetsHenson Poll ENDING SOON! STREAMING on the AppleTV+ - Season 2 of "Fraggle Rock: Back To The Rock". How would you rate the second season? PLUS - Did you enjoy this season more than the first? (2 Votes allowed for this Poll - one for first question and one for final YES or N0 question.) Thanks for your participation.


The Jim Henson Tribute Page 

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Happy 6th Anniversary MuppetsHenson by Nicholas Napoli

Six years ago, MuppetsHenson.com made its debut online and now, well you’re looking right at it, what do you think? MuppetsHenson is run and managed by Brian Knatchbull, he runs all this on his own, from a fan, for the fans. Brian is a lifelong fan of everything created by Jim Henson, at one point in his life, he was a Muppeteer, who worked alongside Jim Henson and other talented Muppeteers. Thank you Brian, for all the hard work, and time you put into keeping Jim Henson Fans around the world updated on all things Muppets and Henson related. I’ve been a reader since the very beginning, and have been fortunate to have my articles shared through MuppetsHenson, in the course of six years, I’m not even sure how many I’ve written at this point. Thanks Brian, for allowing me the opportunity to share my thoughts on the Muppets, to such a large community of Muppet Fans, who I otherwise would not have been able to have reached on my own. At the same time, thank you everybody who reads my articles on MuppetsHenson, they are no fun to write, if I didn’t know people would be reading them afterwards. 

Throughout its six years online, MuppetsHenson has grown and expanded, all whilst keeping its classic green background. MuppetsHenson can now also be found on Facebook and Twitter, don’t forget to like and follow, for all your Muppet and Henson updates. If you’re reading this, you probably already have, and to that I say, isn’t it cool that Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas and The Bells of Fraggle Rock are both having theatre screenings? What I most enjoy about this site, is the amount of news we get on a weekly basis, if not directly on the site, then through Facebook or Twitter. MuppetsHenson is always there to keep us updated, and when you’re already caught up on all your Muppet news and happenings, then there is a sidebar to keep us busy. My favourite feature on the sidebar is the “Out Now” and “Coming Soon” sections, which quickly highlight, what’s missing from our collections, and what’s to come in the future, I find this very handy, I’m a big Muppet collector. 

At the top of the page, you’ll find all the major news, productions and merchandise, all the big stuff is there. MuppetsHenson Polls! The first feature to help keep fans connected, did we enjoy The Happytime Murders? Are we looking forward to the new The Dark Crystal Netflix series? Will we be watching the new Muppet Show on Disney Plus? MuppetsHenson wants to know what you think, how divided or united are the fans amongst these subjects? MuppetsHenson’s radio network, tired of reading, prefer listening, want to hear Podcasts by various, talented individuals, who just like us, happen to be big fans of all things Jim Henson? MuppetsHenson radio is one of the ultimate resources in helping to keep Muppet Fans updated by Muppet Fans. A new chat feature, has recently been added to MuppetsHenson, which allows Muppet Fans from all over the world, to gather and discuss, all things Henson, all in one place. Before you leave MuppetsHenson, don’t forget to visit Jim Henson’s tribute page, read what fans have had to say about Jim Henson, for the last six years, since MuppetsHenson has been up and running. 

MuppetsHenson today celebrates its 6th anniversary, an anniversary, which would not be possible, without its founder, Brian Knatchbull, as well as a loyal Muppets and Henson fanbase, who keep on coming back, interested in updates, on all things Jim Henson. Together, a Jim Henson fan website, has lasted six years, hopefully, this means we’ll all keep being connected, for at least another six years, as long as the Muppets have news to report, MuppetsHenson will be there to report it. Happy 6th Anniversary MuppetsHenson! 

by Nicholas Napoli

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