MuppetsHenson Poll ENDING SOON! STREAMING on the AppleTV+ - Season 2 of "Fraggle Rock: Back To The Rock". How would you rate the second season? PLUS - Did you enjoy this season more than the first? (2 Votes allowed for this Poll - one for first question and one for final YES or N0 question.) Thanks for your participation.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

NEW MuppetsHenson Poll is NOW UP! - "The Dark Crystal's Future"


A NEW MuppetsHenson Poll is now up for your votes!

This week's question deals with the recent cancellation by Netflix of "Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance".

 Here is this week's question:

Netflix has decided not to go ahead with a second season of 'Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance'. Lisa Henson, executive producer said the following, “We know fans are eager to learn how this chapter of The Dark Crystal saga concludes and we’ll look for ways to tell that story in the future." So the question is how would you like to see this franchise continue? (If choose OTHER, please let us know what other way in the 'comments section')

Let us know what you think. You can find the MuppetsHenson Poll near the TOP of the RIGHT SIDEBAR. 

Thanks for your participation!


  1. If choose OTHER on our Poll, please let us know here what other way you would like to see this franchise continue. Thanks!

  2. I think you should revamp the shell and call it something like the Garthum wars And move it over to Disney plus or tell the story in video game

  3. On another streaming platform that will the let the rest of the story be told.

  4. Find a different streaming platform and keep going. We who grew up with the magic of what Jim created have been missing this in our lives. Please find a way to keep going.

  5. Find a new streaming platform and keep going. We who grew up with what Jim created have missed this, and the new show was amazing and we’d love to see a new and continuing Henson show.

  6. I want a two or three movie series to wrap up the current narrative and then point to another story of another age in Thra linked by Augra's mind. One of the movies should be preceded by the movie short*Fizzgig's Barking Adventure*

  7. I like the way the one and only season ended with the Gelflings in victory over the putrid lizards. That’s good enough for me. Given the way things will turn out for the Gelflings leading up to the story in the original film, it is fair to say that I truly dread seeing the inevitable holocaust and thus will definitely NOT be enjoyable at all. The Gelfling deaths are already too much for me to bear in the existing prequel and so the 10 episodes are sufficient.

  8. I like the way the one and only season ended with the Gelflings in victory over the putrid lizards. That’s good enough for me. Given the way things will turn out for the Gelflings leading up to the story in the original film, it is fair to say that I truly dread seeing the inevitable holocaust and thus will definitely NOT be enjoyable at all. The Gelfling deaths are already too much for me to bear in the existing prequel and so the 10 episodes are sufficient.

  9. I like the way the one and only season ended with the Gelflings in victory over the putrid lizards. That’s good enough for me. Given the way things will turn out for the Gelflings leading up to the story in the original film, it is fair to say that I truly dread seeing the inevitable holocaust and thus will definitely NOT be enjoyable for me at all. The Gelfling deaths are already too much for me to bear in the existing prequel and so the 10 episodes are sufficient.

  10. Don't renew. 1 season's enough. We all know where the story is headed for the Gelflings and I don't want to see anymore of them getting drained and killed. Enough. I'm good with the Gelfling victory at the end of ep.10. Leave it there. And if such aggressive "fans" as Sydnni Frost and her lousy FB group suppress my point of view like they typically do with points of view not falling in line with theirs, she and the rest of them can go to hell. This is already SHARPLY and BITTERLY DIVIDED. Yeah, and I can see dissenting voices are not getting published here already. Goes to show. I'll make my voice heard in spite of you!
