MuppetsHenson Poll ENDING SOON! STREAMING on the AppleTV+ - Season 2 of "Fraggle Rock: Back To The Rock". How would you rate the second season? PLUS - Did you enjoy this season more than the first? (2 Votes allowed for this Poll - one for first question and one for final YES or N0 question.) Thanks for your participation.


Saturday, December 05, 2020

Happy 8th Anniversary MuppetsHenson! by Nicholas Napoli

Eight years ago, MuppetsHenson popped into our lives, a very welcomed online platform highlighting everything that ever originated from the mind of Jim Henson. Muppets, Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, The Storyteller, has a Henson connection, MuppetsHenson covers it. As the years have passed more Muppet fan sites have been created but back in 2012 there were only a handful of fan sites supporting The Muppets and all things Henson, all great, all of which I appreciate. The more the merrier, that seems to be Marvel Fans motto and although hardcore Muppet Fans might fall into a small group, I’m glad more people are showing their support for Jim Henson online. When I was first introduced to MuppetsHenson, I was also introduced to Brian Knatchbull, not only did our love for Henson properties make us good friends but he’s also such an awesome and down to earth guy. Brian was also the first person to ever give me a platform to share my writing on, and for that I will always be grateful, bonus was the fact that I got to write about The Muppets! From the very beginning I began to write for MuppetsHenson, although my time does not allow me to write as often as I would like, I can’t believe I have contributed to this site for eight years. Am I the only one feeling old? Time flies by so quickly, Disney bought The Muppets almost twenty years ago! The Muppets (2011) will soon be ten years old! Kermit and Miss Piggy have been separated for five years, oh my goodness, I’m having a midlife crisis as I write this. The fact that I found a white hair on my beard yesterday is probably playing a big part in this crisis and to forget about that white hair, I’m going to keep on writing this article. 

I’d like to thank MuppetsHenson for allowing me a platform to write about my passion, I love writing, I love Muppets, I love writing about Muppets, MuppetsHenson was the place for me. MuppetsHenson has allowed me to share my opinions, even on taboo subjects, most notably Steve Whitmire. I’m a Muppet Fan who speaks his mind, no matter if popular or unpopular, and thankfully MuppetsHenson has never stopped me from voicing my actual fan opinion, which is why I can confidently say MuppetsHenson is made by Brian for fans. If Frank Oz ever pushes Dave Goelz down the stairs, you can be sure I’ll write about it and MuppetsHenson will post it. I’ve never felt I could not share my true Muppet opinion on this site and for that I am so grateful. I am also very grateful to all you readers of MuppetsHenson, if I didn’t know people were reading, then what would be the point of writing? I check the views on my articles once it’s posted and every single view makes me happy and that happiness stays with me and encourages me to write more and actually gives me confidence in my personal life, so thank you to everyone who has ever read my writing. At least one of those views that encourages me to keep writing comes from you and I appreciate your time reading so much. 

In celebration of eight years of MuppetsHenson and eight years of Brian’s hard dedicated work on this site, I will try my hardest to contribute as many articles as I can. I’ve been wanting to talk about Muppet Babies for so long now, Baby Sweetums! Baby Chef! So many thoughts, I can’t wait to share them with all of you. I have twenty-one ideas for MuppetsHenson articles, let’s see how many I can actually get to, some have been on my list for over two years, yes I’m looking at you Ernie & Bert article. Brian my friend thank you so much for keeping MuppetsHenson alive for as long as you have. Thank you for giving fans a place to find the latest on Muppets and Henson and thank you for allowing me to be part of your site. I can’t wait for MuppetsHenson’s 10 th Anniversary, for two reasons, the first I adore MuppetsHenson and the second, I want to be as far away from 2020 as I possibly can. Stay safe everybody, thanks for reading and especially for being part of MuppetsHenson and Brian you’re the best, happy eight years of MuppetsHenson and eight years of our friendship.

Nicholas Napoli
Author of:
Politics, Bullies & You: 
A True Story By Nicholas Napoli

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